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Full Spectrum CBD Oil 1000 mg

Our top-selling Full Spectrum 1000 mg CBD oil provides exceptional strength and value. Ideal for those seeking natural relief from minor to moderate ailments, this highly concentrated formula is simple and easy to use.

This 10% Full Spectrum oil is made with just two ingredients: organic hemp extract and organic sunflower oil.

We extract CBD using supercritical CO2 extraction, a method that eliminates the need for chemicals, ensuring your safety and wellbeing.

Bestselling 1000mg full spectrum cbd oil box and bottle. There are images of a hemp leaf and sunflower petals to show the 2 ingredients this product is made from.

Taking the product:

  1. Shake the bottle with the cap tightly on for 10 seconds.
  2. Using the dropper, draw up some CBD oil. There is no need to fill up the dropper, just the number of drops you plan on taking.
  3. Using a mirror, place the drops under your tongue and hold for 2 to 3 minutes. The longer, the better.
  4. After this amount of time, move the remaining CBD oil around your mouth using your tongue. This ensures you absorb the maximum amount of CBD per dose.
  5. Simply swallow what is left over and replace the cap on the bottle.
  6. Keep you CBD oil in a dry and safe place. Also, be sure to put it where you will see it multiple times a day. This acts as a reminder for you until you develop the habit of taking CBD regularly.

How to get the best results from this product:

For best results, take 2 to 4 drops of this product 2 to 3 times daily.

Consistency is the key to CBD regardless of why you are taking it. Be sure to set a reminder so that you’re taking your it at the same time daily.

Our philosophy is nobody takes CBD oil for fun.. everyone is looking to solve a problem. By taking your CBD dosage seriously and regularly, it gives you a clearer picture of how much works for you.


1 x Bottle, 2x Bottles, 5 + 1 Special Offer

Main product image for Full Spectrum CBD oil 1000mg (10%). Full Spectrum 1000mg CBD Oil<b...


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