This October 10th was a very important day for us here at Pure Organic CBD: World Mental Health Day. You may not have a mental health concern yourself, but chances are you may know someone who does. Our company constantly gets asked:
- Can CBD help mental health?
- Does CBD support mental health?
- What can I do for my mental health?
- Is there a connection between CBD and mental health
- Can CBD oil help me?
Among the basic CBD questions like “what is CBD” and “where can I buy CBD,” one of the most common topics people search Google for is the connection between mental health and CBD usage. The short answer for our readers is, nobody knows for sure. Yes there have been numerous scientific studies surrounding CBD oils benefits when it comes to mental health; but the data is not conclusive.
But just because there is not overwhelming evidence yet, that is not to say CBD will not help you with your mental health. Especially when used in conjunction with other mental health treatments. The best way to know if CBD can improve your mental health is to try it for yourself. Everyone is different and we are not saying that just as a copout. We always ask our customers to be objective and determine either: Yes this is working for me or No, this is not.
Mental Health Becoming Widely Accepted
Mental health awareness has grown significantly over the past 2 decades. Once considered taboo with images of insane asylums and poorly depicted in movies, now mental health is a real field of study and there is wide-spread acceptance among the public. With this new reputation, people are starting to realise that there are new therapies and treatments being offered. And, that mental health is everyone’s problem, not just the person it is affecting.
Mental Health’s Move Towards CBD Oil
With many new options and treatments available, it makes sense that people are starting to connect CBD oil with servicing mental health issues. As mentioned above, research is limited but there are some basic connections between brain function and CBD oil.
Another avenue of exploration, people are looking at CBD oil as a preventive to mental health issues. Almost like a daily self care routine.
Can CBD oil support mental health? In this article, we will try to cover some of the data in this area of your life. We want to address this topic and your questions honestly and to the best of our ability. In a nutshell, our company is dedicated to both physical and mental health. In fact, we firmly believe that they are both intrinsically connected.
What Is World Mental Health Day?
World Mental Health Day has been created to recognise and support those who are going through mental health challenges. It is a way to let people know that there is help and support out there. Its main focus draw attention to mental health issues and raise awareness to This year’s theme for World Mental Health Day 2021 is: Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality. And the hashtag #worldmentalhealthday is used across social media to promote engagement.
What is Affecting Your Mental Health?
Firstly, it is best to understand the root reason behind your mental health concerns so that you can clearly find what type of help you need.
Another important step is to get a clear outside picture from people you know and trust. Try talking to a doctor, therapist or even your family. Asking someone to share what they think is important, but what this step also achieves is building a support group that has your best interests in mind.
We understand that taking that first step and reaching out to someone takes courage and strength. Just remember, that you do not and should not have to go alone. This advice is equally important for people who’ve been working at it for years or just starting out.

How to Start A Conversation About Mental Health
If you are having trouble committing to talking with someone; start small. There are many resources available online. Sometimes it is easier to reach out to someone anonymously at first. Taking small steps can make the pledge to seek help more bearable and not such a large burden. Hopefully, you will learn that there are people out there just like you. You may even realise it isn’t as scary as you think and walk away feeling a bit empowered.
Most important thing to remember is it all starts with the first step, no matter how small. You could find a support group on Facebook, or an online forum. There are also hotlines online that will listen and give good advice. You can do it!
CBD Oil and Mental Health
After you’ve sought help from your newly found support group and doctor, you may be ready to really start prioritising your mental health. Now is the perfect time to put together a robust mental health strategy so that you enter what we like to call the healing and wellness space. At this point, you may be considering CBD oil.
As mentioned earlier, there is not definitive evidence on how CBD oil interacts with your mental health, mood or mental functions. Therefore we can not fully say exactly what mental health benefits you may experience by taking CBD oil. But, what we can say is CBD oil has a strong reputation for helping improve a person’s mood, reducing anxiety and lowering stress.
We would like to say up front that CBD is not a cure-all for mental health issues. But it can serve in a supportive role. Let’s explore how CBD oil may work for you and your mental health.
How Does CBD Oil Work with the Body?
CBD interacts with a part of your body called the endocannabinoid system or ECS for short. The ECS has millions of receptors that CBD and other cannabinoids bind. Once bound to a receptor, the CBD works together with the ECS to regulate many of the body’s systems. There are ECS receptors found all over your body including your skin, tissues, organs, brain and even your sexual organs.
Because there are so many of these receptors across the entire body, and the fact that CBD does interact with them, many believe that CBD’s function to support homeostasis may be multi-faceted. Meaning that there may be a direct link to your mental health and CBD oil.
Science can take years to catch up with the anecdotal evidence but like any emerging treatment, we need to move forward with what has been seen in studies done on CBD oil and mental health. What we can clearly say is that using CBD oil regularly and working to find the correct dosage and type of CBD oil has helped millions of people struggling with mental health issues.
Where Does CBD Oil Come From?
CBD oil comes from the extract of hemp species that are rich in CBD. Namely, Cannabis Sativa-L is the preferred species and the exact type we use here at Pure Organic CBD. The extracted CBD is then added to a carrier oil which allows us to formulate different strengths like our 40% CBD oil.
Once CBD is absorbed by the body, it works with the CB2 receptors which are part of the ECS we talked about earlier. The rate of absorption is influenced by the method that you take CBD oil. You can either ingest CBD, use it topically or inhale it with a vape. We here at Pure Organic CBD do not endorse using vapes as this goes against our principles. We find the most effective way to take CBD oil is by using a tincture and placing drops under your tongue.
CBD oil tinctures are small bottles of oil with an eyedropper. The eyedropper is used to place CBD drops under your tongue for at least 30 seconds before you swallow them. We usually recommend people to hold the drops under the tongue for two to three minutes for the best result. Taking CBD regularly allows the CBD to store in the body and be more readily available. This will lead to consistent results you can rely on.
Ingesting CBD by other means like CBD capsules or CBD gummies is growing in popularity but, we’ve found that these products do not give the same effect and are more of a money making scheme for companies these days. What happens with edibles is that most of the CBD content gets broken down by the digestive system and rendered useless.
Topical CBD like creams, gels and balms do not enter the bloodstream at all. Instead they work on localised pain and the effects are only felt at the area of application. Not very useful for mental health issues unless there is a pacifier effect on the mind.
Make Every Day World Mental Health Day with CBD
People who use CBD daily find that they make life’s stressful times easier to cope with. Taking daily stress down a notch could be just what you need to maintain a clear mind and remain more calm. After all, stress is very harmful to the body physically and mentally. And although CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, it does not make you high or intoxicated. Rather, it works behind the scenes so to speak, to regulate and maintain a healthy balance.
The benefits of CBD oil vary from person to person, but overall, CBD has a strong reputation for helping support people. Imagine a person who can not sleep well at night due to stress at work. The stress builds up and is exacerbated by the lack of sleep each night. Introducing CBD into the equation and improving the sleep pattern issues will have an indirect effect on stress, worry and doubt. The bottom line is being able to say yes I feel better today.
Choosing to add CBD to your daily routine may promote your equilibrium and balance. This includes a sense of calm and being able to adequately relax. Being able to stop the noise around you and listen to your thoughts will help you think more objectively. It could even help you determine what is making your mental health suffer.
Other Benefits of Taking CBD oil Daily
Here are some of the other most notable benefits to taking CBD oil everyday:
- CBD boosts your mood by supporting a healthy response towards recovery after exercise. Sore muscles can make it hard to concentrate and CBD works to mitigate that pain. For more information, here is an article about CBD for Athletes.
- CBD can help you relax and take away nervousness and anxiety. Calming the mind is essential to being able to think clearly and make well thought decisions.
- CBD skin care helps to maintain your skin’s appearance and reduce acne. Pimples are oftentimes associated with stress. Removing stress will do wonders for your health physically and mentally.
How CBD Use Applies to Mental Health
The variety of ways CBD oil benefits your body is a testament to its multi-faceted approach to wellness. Feeling good and confident is a huge step in the right direction when it comes to mental health.
With so many benefits, the real question and the point of this article is: Can CBD oil help mental health?
We’ve shown in this article that there are real indirect effects that CBD can have on your mental health. We can only hope that when science catches up to how people are feeling already about CBD, we can share those studies with you here. To answer the question clearly, yes, CBD can have a positive impact on your mental health.
Now is a great time to go over some of the more direct benefits of using CBD oil. Ways that CBD oil can affect your mood and mental health. Here are three of the most important ways CBD oil can be helpful as you work to improve your mental health.
Feel More Calm with CBD Oil
How CBD oil affects your mood is still a gray area. But one thing that is certain, stress plays a large part in mental health. There is a spiral people get trapped in. Stress starts to infect our thinking and places doubts in our own abilities. This leads to lack of sleep, less time to relax and being inside your own mind much to its detriment. It is also worth considering that what may not stress somebody out could affect someone worse. Everyone is not the same. But everyone does have an endocannabinoid system, and CBD can help it to encourage calmer responses.
How will feeling calmer with CBD oil help you? Consider these reasons:
- Feeling calmer will help with your mental health.
- Reducing stress and the responses we give while in a stressed state can help your mental health.
- Having a more stable feeling in life is very important to maintaining overall health including mental, physical and emotional.

Sleep Better with CBD
The connection between mental health and CBD oil can feel vague to some people without scientific proof. Regardless of the testimonies from countless people, there are some who would rather trust a scientific study and we can’t blame them. But, if we look at areas where extensive studies have been made with CBD, sleep is an area where there is more definitive proof of CBD oil’s abilities.
A CBD for sleep and anxiety study conducted in 2019 attempted to prove that CBD has a direct influence on these two types of disorders. In the study, 74 patients were given CBD, a mixture or CBD and a sleeping pill or a placebo. The study concluded by giving strong evidence that CBD lowered anxiety after 1 month of use. It was also able to correct sleep issues after 1 month.
Correcting sleep and anxiety issues can indirectly help mental health issues. If we talk about the spiral of worry, stress, poor sleep, doubt and how these all contribute to mental health, then CBD’s ability to control some of these issues surely weakens the others in the process. This is why CBD oil has so much street credibility for helping mental health issues.
Most times, the hardest part of dealing with daily stress is trying to get good quality sleep at night. Or, you may be able to fall asleep easily, but you struggle to stay asleep. Mental health and sleep are very interconnected. It would be hard to find a person who did not notice an improvement in their mental health if their sleep performance improved.

What a Doctor Will Ask You About
Some of the questions your doctor may ask you when it comes to your mental state will be about your sleeping patterns. Sleep is crucial to a person’s mood and health. CBD can help with sleep especially when you use it daily. Our products are formulated to improve sleep performance ensuring you get a great night’s sleep every night.
Sleep, as you may know, is vital to a person’s mood and health. CBD is especially potent when used in combination with melatonin. This powerful formula supports your circadian rhythm and helps a person get the rest they need every night. Melatonin can be bought relatively cheap at a local drug store.
How CBD Oil Can Help You Take Charge With Your Overall Health
The moment you start prioritising your mental health, something beautiful happens. It is like a light comes on inside you and your path to improvement starts taking more shape. With each small step your sense of accomplishment will make you feel that you are taking charge of your life. It is an amazing feeling.
CBD works together with many of the focus points for your mental health plan. You can even discuss the cooperation of CBD and mental health with your doctor. This will allow you to build a very robust maintenance track that is designed to help you every minute of the day.
Here are some examples of how CBD can pair well with a mental health plan:
- CBD works well with calming techniques like meditation, yoga and breathing exercises.
- Taking CBD regularly will help you build a multi-angle approach to mental health, allowing you to achieve well rounded results that are sustainable in the long run.
- Regularly taking CBD along with a mental health plan can be the perfect foundation for your mental health goals.
Mental Health and CBD Oil: How to Make a Plan
When you take the step to talk with a doctor or therapist about your mental health, they will help you set a mental health goal. To get there, you will have to create a plan that is a combination of different health choices. That plan could look like this example:
- Analyzing the state of your mental health. Identify your pain points and concerns about your mental health.
- Setting small achievable goals or baby steps to get to the larger goals. Each step accomplished is another triumph.
- Identify ways to make improvements to your daily lifestyle. This can be changes in your diet, exercise frequency, sleep patterns and other steps taken like seeking therapeutic classes.
- Start developing healthy coping strategies when you feel triggered or depressed.
There will be another question, and you are probably asking yourself this while reading this article. What happens when you include CBD oil into your mental health? What should you know before and what type of CBD oil should you take? The answer depends on your mental health needs.
CBD Oils and Your Mental Health Needs
If you only have one specific need for CBD oil, taking 1000mg CBD oil UK or a 2000mg CBD oil UK will more than likely serve your needs. These specific products are enough CBD content per droplet to ensure you get the CBD amount needed to be effective. What is great is the cost for the quality and value of our products as you seek out CBD oil.
If you’re looking for a more comprehensive daily CBD routine, you should consider combining CBD oil drops with a CBD Topical product like our CBD Muscle Balm. A topical is a great way to relieve pain quickly. And we know, sometimes pain from an accident or over-training could be the root cause of your mental health problems. For more information, read this CBD for Athletes.
Remember, consistency is the key to CBD. Many of our customers need a bit of guidance first starting with CBD. They either forget to take it everyday as directed and lose hope in CBD’s abilities. Our best advice is to plan your CBD doses each day with a helpful reminder. Pairing CBD with an activity helps to reinforce the habit. Personally I always take CBD right after I brush my teeth. This ensures I take it at least twice a day morning and night.
To help you find the perfect CBD oil for your needs, here are a list of resources we provide to make it easier:
- You can use our interactive CBD oil Strength Finder which measures your specific needs and allows you to find that perfect CBD oil easily.
- Read this article about how to take CBD.
- You can also read about CBD Strengths in our blog.
Our Thoughts at Pure Organic CBD
We hope this article has helped you take a step in the right direction. Mental health is a deeply personal issue that should be taken seriously. If you are here for yourself, we applaud you for taking a step in the right direction. The very fact that you are looking for ways to help with your mental health shows that you are taking steps.
For anyone reading this who is here in support of a loved one, we want to thank you on behalf of our entire company. Expressing actions towards helping a loved one is the most sincere form of love.
Empathy for a person’s situation is not always reciprocated and that loved one you are helping may be offended by you making judgements about their struggles.
One piece of advice; you are doing the right thing. Keep loving, keep caring, keep listening. Don’t give up and don’t let go.To talk with one of our staff or to simply ask a question, send us a message here.
Or, visit our social media accounts. Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
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